1 pound (454 grams) of Trehalose sugar. Trehalose may have protective effects for cells and exhibits antioxidant activities when consumed in large quantities. HINT! Ordering 12 pounds each is the most economical option due to shipping costs (limit is 12 pounds per order). PLEASE click on "Quick view" to learn more.
HINT! Ordering 12 pounds is the most economical option.
Dosage: Minimum recommended dosage is 3 level teaspoons 3 times per day. Maximum dose varies per person. Generally, work your way up to 30-50 grams (10-16 level teaspoons). 1 pound should last 9 days at the maximum dosage of 50 grams (please see NOTE below)..
NOTE: Trehalose can be a problem in the case of two different types of Clostridium difficile infection, if you are exposed to these strains and are otherwise susceptible. At the very least, any person who is suffering from a C. difficile infection should consider eliminating trehalose from their diet for the duration of the infection. Please see CONTRADICTIONS below...
Its mild sweetness (nearly half as sweet as sucrose), low carcinogenicity, low hygroscopicity, high freezing point depression, high glass transition temperature and protein protection (antioxidant) properties are all of immense interest to food and pharma technologists.
Trehalose is fully caloric and after ingestion is broken down in the body to glucose, but with an even blood glucose response, making it ideally suited for products formulated to provide a natural source of energy for people with any active lifestyle.
A footnote is required as follows – "trehalose is a source of glucose".
Trehalose may have protective effects for cells and exhibits antioxidant activities. It is also a chemical chaperon and may be directly involved in cell functions including protein folding and signaling. The amount of research on the potential health benefits is overwhelming and we highly recommend this sweetener as a sugar substitute.
A general review of Trehalose research shows that it may be an essential nutrient in the prevention of many disease conditions. Here are just a few studies.*
CONTRADICTIONS: A very minor group of the population may not tolerate Trehalose at small doses. Intolerance is indicated by gas, loose stools and diarrhea. Discontinue use and contact a medical professional to seek a test for a Clostridium difficile infection.
Clostridium difficile is a bacterium that can cause a life-threatening infection. The scientific research and debate continues regarding trehalose and C. difficile infection. See "Genetic Determinants of Trehalose Utilization Are Not Associated With Severe Clostridium difficile Infection Outcome" https://academic.oup.com/ofid/article/7/1/ofz548/5696590 and "Clostridium difficile trehalose metabolism variants are common and not associated with adverse patient outcomes when variably present in the same lineage" https://www.thelancet.com/journals/ebiom/article/PIIS2352-3964(19)30277-4/fulltext