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Essential Lifestyle

GlyCop Co-op: Please visit our ongoing research at https://raindrop.io/glycop
Hemp Seed Nuts and Glyconutrients supply the highest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, chlorophyll, and a complete, balanced gluten-free source of the essential amino acids. Chia, Hemp and Glyconutrients are all part of a *”Healthful Hardware Plan” providing nutrition that you can feel!

Our lifestyles, diet and environment can change the way our genes are expressed, leading even identical twins to become distinct as they age. The nutritional reasons for this change are closely being studied by scientists specializing in Epigenetics and Nutrigenomics. The prospective analysis among nutrients in the regulation of gene expression is a very hot topic and new discoveries are being realized at a rapid rate.

Human mitochondrial genetics is the study of the genetics of the DNA contained in human mitochondria. Mitochondria are small structures in cells that generate energy for the cell to use, and are hence referred to as the "powerhouses" of the cell.

Researchers have taken a step forward in understanding the fundamental building blocks of life. Understanding the carbohydrate structures in cells is leading to new understanding of inflammatory illnesses and how disease develops in humans. Scientists need a far more detailed picture of these structures and the highly complex interactions between glycans, enzymes, genes and proteins, all of which can influence the development of disease.

The symbiotic relationship between mammals and bacteria begins quite early and becomes critical in every stage of life. There are many published examples of very specific nutrients affecting human development in our education area.

We now know that DNA is not our destiny and science has proven that nutrition (epigentics) plays a major role in gene expression and how genes make proteins. A simple change in lifestyle may be the most important decision we can make in our lifetime. Please consult with your health care professional when making changes to your Lifestyle.


Astaxanthin, Chia Seed Meal, Hemp Seed Nuts and Glyconutrients supply the highest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, chlorophyll, and a complete, balanced gluten-free source of the essential amino acids. Chia, Hemp and Glyconutrients are all part of a *”Healthful Hardware Plan”. 

Researchers have taken a step forward in understanding the fundamental building blocks of life. Understanding the carbohydrate structures in cells is leading to new understanding of inflammatory illnesses and how disease develops in humans. We now know that DNA is not our destiny and  science has proven that nutrition plays a major role in gene expression and protein genesis. A simple change in lifestyle may be the most important decision we can make in our lifetime.

Essentials: A new category of nutrition at GlyCop. Simply replace some of your cereal or smoothie with the following.

AstaPure : Astaxanthin at only 4 milligrams a day is one of the most powerful antioxidants proven in human clinical trials.

Chia Seed Meal: A couple heaping teaspoons supplies glyconutrients, proteins,vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.

Hemp Seed Nuts: A couple heaping teaspoons supplies important proteins, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.

Glyconutrients: As little as ½ teaspoon supplies essential monosaccharides, antioxidants and phytonutrients.

A good pro-biotic such as BioBeads® is highly recommended.

As time permits, we will publish more information about the Essential Lifestyle at GlyCop Co-op. Please call if you have any questions.

GlyCop Co-op is no longer recommending “Sprouted” or any type of Grain as a food.
Is SproutedBread Healthier?  Not really... "Grain agglutinins" are responsible for pervasive, and difficult to diagnose, ill effects.


The Good! 

DNA is not our destiny. Nutrition plays a vital role in the expression of our genes and how our body builds essential glycoproteins, glycolipids, hormones and enzymes. Hemp and Chia seeds are just as unique as glyconutrients in supplying nutrients that are not readily available from other sources. Quite frankly, it is our mission at GlyCop to tell it like it is. Thank you for your continued support!

 1. "Rebounding" (Lymphosizing) is so very important to health that it is placed on the top of this list.

 2. "Sunshine" when a person consumes astaxanthin and has topical Magnesium Chloride (oil), sunburn is minimal.

 3. "Grounding" oneself for as little as 40 minutes a day makes a huge difference in human physiology.

 4. "Eat like a gorilla!" Or, drink and eat like a fish. More on that later... Please, remind to talk about it more.

 5. "Avoid Milk and Meat" and grain products at all cost, switch to organic-organ meat if necessary. More on that later...

 6. "Diatomaceous Earth" should help many people heal, simple as that. And, it is cheap!

 7. "The Essentials" and "Glyconutrients" will then do the most good if you follow each Baby Step I have outlined.

 8. "Alkalizing" foods and certain minerals play an important role in human physiology, especially in the young or ill.

 9. "Magnesium Chloride" (oil) is obtainable at https://www.swansonvitamins.com/SWU496/ItemDetail.

10. "Virgin Coconut Oil" is simply the best all around oil for human health.

11. “Trehalose” sugar has unique antioxidant capabilities with known protein and membrane stabilizing capability.

12. “Jell-O” supplies needed glycine/gelatin, against a balanced background of amino acids, has a great variety of healthy actions.

The Bad

I'm thoroughly convinced that we are facing a pandemic here in the US that is caused by behavior, nutritional deficiencies, chronic malnutrition, man-made and natural infections that the "Wellness Industry" seems to be missing. 

The Ugly

Simply put, commercial breads are full of soy products and additives that science has proven cause serious health problems. 

Glyconutrients, unique essential proteins and essential fatty acids are all part of a *Healthful Hardware Plan.


Trehalose - a relatively safe natural alternative to sugar

I rarely get excited about a sugar replacement and I have to say that trehalose is impressive. 

Trehalose is a sugar found in many types of plants and occurs naturally in a variety of foods such as mushrooms, honey, lobster, shrimp and foods with baker's and brewer's yeast. Commercially, Ascend™ trehalose is made from cornstarch.

Scholarly Articles

Novel Functions And Applications Of Trehalose: This study, performed on mice, suggests that oral consumption may stimulate bone metabolism and prevention of osteoporosis.

Trehalose is an Autophagy Enhancer and seems to reduce aggregate formation and delays pathology in a transgenic mouse model of oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy.

Trehalose affects protein aggregation and has the potential to correct misfolding proteins, a common theme underlying neurodegenerative diseases.

Trehalose, a unique sugar, is mentioned as a cellular-communication molecule and chemical chaperon in many scholarly articles. Humans cannot produce it and therefore must consume it!

What is Trehalose - Scientific Explanation 

Trehalose is an alpha-linked (disaccharide) sugar found extensively but not abundantly in nature. It can be synthesized by fungi, plants and invertebrate animals. It is implicated in anhydrobiosis (the ability of plants and animals to withstand prolonged periods of desiccation). The sugar is thought to form a gel phase as cells dehydrate, which prevents disruption of internal cell organelles by effectively splinting them in position. Rehydration then allows normal cellular activity to be resumed without the major, generally lethal damage, that would normally follow a dehydration/reyhdration cycle. Trehalose has the added advantage of being an antioxidant

Dosage: Minimum 2 rounded teaspoons in water 3 times a day (about 20 grams). Up to 50 grams is reported as safe.

Diabetes and trehalose

Diabetes is endemic in western society today and it is increasing all over the world. Trehalose is only digested in the small intestine by the enzyme trehalase. It takes food several hours to get there and that delays the absorption of glucose into the blood stream hence avoiding glucose spikes and the resulting insulin spikes.

Alzheimers and trehalose

Alzheimer's is an incurable, degenerative and terminal illness that is more common in the elderly but is also known in much younger people 20 years and upwards. It is typified by memory loss, confusion, short & long term memory issues, mood swings and other problems.  

Huntingtons Disease | Protection Is The Aim | There Is Hope

This site is about educating and informing. Huntington's disease is a progressive, degenerative disease that causes certain nerve cells in your brain to waste away. As a result, you may experience uncontrolled movements, emotional disturbances and mental deterioration. Huntington's disease is an inherited disease.  

Trehalose and Teeth

Trehalose does not cause nearly so many problems for tooth enamel. So if you have children who love the sweet taste of sugar this might be a suitable and even beneficial alternative for you and them.

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*Food supplements are not evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.