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Hope For Those That Suffer From Disease


GlyCop Co-op: Please visit our ongoing research at https://raindrop.io/glycop

Update: 5-6-2024 - Cancer is a complicated topic due to individual circumstances and does require the supervision of a qualified naturopathic doctor https://raindrop.io/glycop/cancer-18528127 Regarding protection from and treating cancer, this product seems to be the easiest for controlling the dose of Laetrile https://rncstore.com/products/copy-of-bitter-apricot-seed-meal-16-oz 
Please see my research at https://raindrop.io/glycop/2016-18528107/search/sort=-created&perpage=30&page=0&search=laetrile 

Let's realize the importance of vitamin-c at 1,000 mg 4 times or more a day depending on the individuals response and tolerance. Arm & Hammer Baking Soda may need to be suppelemented https://raindrop.io/glycop/baking-soda-18528224. Vitamin and mineral defincencies such as iodine https://raindrop.io/glycop/iodine-18528228 and magnesium https://raindrop.io/glycop/magnesium-18528229 may need to be addressed.

I prefer shopping for these items at https://purebulk.com/  https://www.bulksupplements.com/  https://thyroidnascentiodine.com/  https://www.swansonvitamins.com/  https://www.swansonvitamins.com/magnesium and https://www.sea-crop.com/products with the 1 gallon container being the most economical option.

I've been reviewing the research regarding a relatively new sugar called Allulose. Although there is not a magic-bullet for all health issues, this one compound comes real close. Please see my research at https://raindrop.io/glycop/allulose-39731744 

Aging is a quite complicated topic that many studies address at https://raindrop.io/glycop/aging-18528108 and at https://raindrop.io/glycop/1-nitric-oxide-35699552 

P.S. Reducing inflammation by Earthing (grounding) is a must for everyone. You'll find it mentioned in my Hope article as number 3 on my list of things to treat and prevent disease. https://raindrop.io/glycop/grounding-18528195 

Visit our ongoing research at https://raindrop.io/glycop 

Cancer, M.S., Huntington's, Parkinson's and many diseases may have a common denominator. Undoing the damage AFTER eliminating INFLAMMATION, grain-fed meat, sugar, wheat, milk and refined starch may be paramount to your health. Learn more at http://tiny.cc/glycop-hope.

Please pardon my assertiveness with the impeccable credentials of those I often quote. They are the real heroes, for they have taught us well. :)

Sincerely yours,

Michael West

GlyCop Co-op ~ 208-477-17-fifty ~ https://GlyCop.com/ 

LEGAL NOTICE: Ehh, what's up doc?
Update: 8-8-2022 - I've added a few more grounding (earthing) products that look promising and inexpensive to my list at https://raindrop.io/glycop/grounding-18528195

Grounding Sheets with 10% Silver Fiber & Organic Cotton - Conductive with Grounding Cord, Grounding Keep Good Sleep, Natural Health (27x52 inch) https://www.amazon.com/Grounding-Organic-Cotton-Conductive-Natural/dp/B087YWWKF3/ref=sr_1_24?keywords=earthing+products&qid=1659976032&sr=8-24

Or, HALL & PERRY Grounding Half Sheet 35" x 90" with Connection Cord | Pure Silver Fiber for Better Sleep, Healthy Earthing Energy and EMF Recovery, Off White https://www.amazon.com/HALL-PERRY-Earthing-Grounding-Connection/dp/B07BB659XK/ref=sr_1_58?keywords=earthing+products&qid=1659976032&sr=8-58

I added this inexpensive grounding mat to the list https://www.amazon.com/Grounding-Hooga-Meditation-Protection-Inflammation/dp/B07VSRK68V?ref_=ast_slp_dp&th=1&psc=1 During the day, you can place it anywhere to touch bare skin. Watch the product videos.

P.S. Reducing inflammation by Earthing (grounding) is a must for everyone. You'll find it mentioned in my Hope article as number 3 on my list of things to treat and prevent disease.

Cancer, M.S., Huntington's, Parkinson's and many diseases may have a common denominator. Undoing the damage AFTER eliminating INFLAMATION, grain-fed meat, sugar, wheat, milk and refined starch may be paramount to your health. Learn more at https://tiny.cc/glycop-hope.

Please pardon my assertiveness with the impeccable credentials of those I often quote. They are the real heroes, for they have taught me well. ?

Sincerely yours,

Michael West

GlyCop Co-op ~ 208-477-17-fifty ~ https://GlyCop.com/

LEGAL NOTICE: Ehh, what's up doc?

Update: 8-24-2018 - Fasting and the Ketogenic Diet are a match made in heaven. A 5 day water fast resets the immune system back to a youthful state, literally. For example, old cells are broken down, recycled or expelled. New macrophages and white blood cells are recreated with stem cells that have the same genetic imprint of cells from our youth. Bookmark this link at https://glycop.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38&Itemid=1137

Dr. Osborne shares the story of Ginger, a young girl diagnosed with terminal juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Her profound story of recovery began with diet change. As she implemented No Grain No pain protocols of Dr. Osborne, she was able to make a full recovery from JRA. https://youtu.be/QWNniX6CrkA

Cancer: Causes, costs, treatments and studies of cancer by Dr. Sircus. https://drsircus.com/cancer/

For those that are suffering from cancer, may I suggest that they take a close look at https://tiny.cc/glycop-cannabis and https://tiny.cc/cannabinoid_editorial.

Please keep in mind that digestive disorders are often directly related to cancer by way of the inflammatory pathways that result and the imbalance of bacteria also know as dysbiosis. There is a new company that can actually test for imbalances in the gut microbiome that may be causing problems that lead to cancer and other digestive disorders at https://www.vibrant-wellness.com/.

The gut lining is like a new shag carpet, if it is healthy. As we age and consume wheat, potatoes and other 'nightshades', that are sometimes 'ripened' with glyphosate, the chemicals and nightshades (such as wheat) cause the shag's of our small intestine to become damaged. Eventually, they slough off causing 'intestinal permeability'. This is commonly known as 'leaky gut syndrome' and may cause digestive problems that are rarely understood by conventional doctors. Dr. Tom O’Bryan - Autoimmunity And Leaky Gut - is a must listen at https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ar8TrlEg066zlIUkmwWzl4CGQsOTmw
"Many, if not most, autoimmune diseases - including celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease - are characterized by abnormally high levels of zonulin and a permeable gut barrier (leaky gut)." https://solvingleakygut.com/
Dr. David Perlmutter, author of Brain-Maker talks to Steve Paikin about the link between the stomach and the brain. https://youtu.be/ClcENEEqn3A. Dr. Perlmutter is a renowned neurologist whose expertise includes gluten issues, brain health & nutrition, and preventing neurodegenerative disorders at https://www.drperlmutter.com/.
The hundred trillion organisms that live within the gut, the human microbiome, regulate every aspect of our metabolism, as well as such important life sustaining functions as immunity and inflammation. Each of these activities plays a crucial role in keeping the brain and gut healthy, functional, and disease resistant.

Happy New Year! Update: 12-31-2013 - A "Wonder Drug" called "Low Dose Naltrexone" - https://eepurl.com/LCGA5 
If your doctor doesn't know, undoing the damage AFTER eliminating sugar, wheat, starch and aberrant foods is crucial to your health. Healing the gut with an adequate protocol of grass fed-organic-6 hour-colostrum, such as is found at https://www.synertekcolostrum.com/, may also be paramount in repairing the damage caused by years of wheat consumption. It may be best for people to take the following three items if they can afford them in the order given. 1. First Six Hour Colostrum “Powder.” 2. First Six Hour Colostrum “Liquid.” 3. First Six Hour Colostrum “Lozenges” if you can afford all three. Otherwise, start with the most effective, the powder. 


There really is not ONE magic bullet when it comes to our health. Please sign up on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/GlyCop to learn more.
Avoiding GMO's is a good start https://gmoevidence.com/ as well as seeking out unprocessed organic food https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_food. The rest of the story continues below.
Simply Raw - Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days - should aptly be titled "Reversing Disease in 30 Days." - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pjkC71exKU

Grain: Is it healthy? I think not. “Humans have no business eating grains” is a very appropriate comment by Dr. Davis. The bitter truth of eating any grain, not just wheat, is revealed for you in an entertaining and very understandable manner by a very talented Dr. Davis. https://youtu.be/UbBURnqYVzw 

The first foods mentioned in the Bible were the Herbs and Fruit Trees (Genesis 1:29), and that by punishment for sin God gave mankind bread (Genesis 3:17), see https://wellnessmama.com/2359/does-the-bible-say-we-should-eat-grains/. The evolutionary collision of our ancient genome with the nutritional qualities of these foods may underlie many of the chronic diseases of Western civilization, as well as those that have suffered disease for millennium. 

There is hope if people care enough to take the following protocols seriously. Please keep in mind that there are multiple ways to accomplish the same goal and we must all decide for ourselves what works best to enhance our quality of life.
Dr. Sircus protocol is well worth studying at https://drsircus.com/protocol/. As well, he addresses nebulizing many different compounds in this article at https://drsircus.com/medicine/magnesium/nebulizing-magnesium-and-other-medicinals.
We now have an arsenal at our fingertips if we understand exactly what is causing many of the health problems in our society. Meat, wheat, potatoes, corn, soy and milk are just a few, along with GMO's, chemicals, a monolithic diet, genetic and epigenetic influences. First, let's take a look at some of the causes in detail, below.

Wheat glycoproteins may result in direct damage to the majority of tissues in the human body due to the six distinct sets of chromosomes capable of producing well over 23,000 unique proteins. Some, only 5 atoms in size, attach themselves to mucus membranes throughout the entire body. By orally savoring compounds such as those found in glyconutrients, the damaging lectins are often replaced with monosaccharides (essential sugars https://www.innvista.com/health/nutrition/essential-sugars/) such as Fucoidan, Glucosamine, etc. An explanation follows.
In a previous article an author discussed the "invisible thorn" found within all wheat products - including sprouted wheat bread and wheat grass- known as wheat lectin (technical name: Wheat Germ Agglutinin - WGA). These Lectins Explain Our Dependence on NSAIDs and Glucosamine: Yes, you are seeing correctly: potato and rice, which are two of the most commonly used ingredients in "gluten and wheat free" products, are on the list of foods which contain a lectin structurally and functionally similar to wheat lectin.  
Seeds of the grass family, e.g. rice, wheat, spelt, rye, have exceptionally high levels of defensive glycoproteins known as lectins. Lectins disrupt and bind to the mucous known as the glycocalyx, or literally, “sugar coat” secreted in humans by the epithelial cells. All mucous membranes, from nasal cavities to the slippery lining of our blood vessels. 
The glycocalyx is composed largely of N-Acetylglucosamine and N-Acetylneuraminic acid (also known as sialic acid), with carbohydrate end of N-Acetylneuraminic acid of this protective glycoprotein forming the terminal sugar. The production of cartilage, tendons, and joints depend on the structural integrity of N-Acetylglucosamine. Gluten's specific bond to these glycoproteins is not accidental. Nature has designed WGA perfectly to attach to, disrupt, and gain entry through these mucosal surfaces.
Cancer, Crohn's, Celiac, MS and the Type 1 Diabetes connection.
Blocking Cell Movement for Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
Type 1 Diabetes Linked To Immune Response To Wheat
MS And Diabetes Are Closely Linked
Pinpointing Immune System Disturbances in Celiac Disease
Celiac Disease and Crohn's Disease
160+ disease states and/or adverse effects linked to wheat consumption (sourced from the National Library of Medicine) which proves going gluten free is a highly sensible, evidence-based approach to improving practically anyone's health. Whole Wheat is of particular concern.  See https://www.greenmedinfo.com/toxic-ingredient/wheat

1st, modern wheat is a perfect chronic poison this doctor says - CBS News https://youtu.be/swAj1I7s-Ao Wheat: The Unhealthy Whole Grain - According to Dr. Davis, saying goodbye to all things wheat provides out-sized and unexpected health benefits, from weight loss, to relief from acid reflux and bowel urgency, to reversal of diabetes, migraine headaches, and learning disabilities in children. https://youtu.be/UbBURnqYVzw
2nd, along with Dr. Sircus protocol (https://drsircus.com/protocol-components), a large number of herbal products do have anticancer properties. Intake of flax seed, as well as hemp nuts and hemp protein, abundant portions of fruits and vegetables like cauliflower, brussels sprout and broccoli (especially fresh-raw-juice), etc., which are a rich source of sulforophane and 3,3-dindolyl methane (DIM), are implicated for having anticancer effect against prostate, breast and pancreatic cancer.
Similarly, garlic also has a large number of uses including anticancer effects. A large number of naturally occurring elements like selenium, folic acid, vitamin D, alpha and beta carotene, vitamin D, chlorophyll and antioxidants do have anticancer property. Cannabinoids are a group of naturally occurring plant products known for their anticancer effect. Cannabinoids induce apoptosis in various cancers. Recently, there is increasingly recognized anticancer effects of cannabinoids in various malignant tumors including gliomas at https://tiny.cc/cannabinoid_editorial.
3rd, eliminate the cause and try something new. This movie, “Simply Raw” applies to nearly all degenerative diseases. It is well worth learning the principles and putting them into practice... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pjkC71exKU
    1. Avoid processed food if possible, including refined oils (Virgin coconut oil is acceptable, 2-3 tbsp per day straight from the jar).
    2. Slowly eliminate the offending compounds and consume as much fresh-raw-green juice as possible.
    3. Eliminate sugar (trehalose is an exception, in most cases) and refined salts.
Animal Protein -- Meat and Dairy -- Cause Cancer (stroke, etc.) https://youtu.be/yfsT-qYeqGM

Once again, everyone is different and may not tolerate certain protocols as well as others. An attending physician will need to determine what is best for an individual. The guidelines presented below are not intended as medical advice.
    1. 2-3 servings of clean-fresh organic veggie and Raw-cannabis-juice using a suitable juicer as demonstrated here https://youtu.be/swojBQoCEhM. Adding a few slices of lemon is sometimes helpful in raising PH. https://www.google.com/search?q=Omega+J8004+Juicer or, use the model I got from Amazon for the same price listed at https://www.omegajuicers.com/juicers.html but it seems to be out of stock from the company.
After looking at the models above, try https://www.google.com/search?q=Omega+Masticating+Juicer
Please note that using a blender may be your best option to retain the beneficial fiber from vegetables and fruit.
“Typically, chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease. Expect to consume large amounts of vitamin C if you want results. When used in combination with other antioxidants like glutathione and other medicinals like magnesium, bicarbonate and iodine, one can do considerable damage to cancer cells even while these same substances provide new strength to healthy cells.” [https://drsircus.com/medicine/cancer/using-vitamin-c-for-heart-disease-cancer-and-cell-protection] 

    2. GlyCop Water 2-5 days a week. 1-3 times a day in 8 ounces of spring (clean, distilled, etc.) water as needed.
1/4-1/2 tsp. magnesium chloride oil, stir.  https://www.swansonvitamins.com/q?kw=mag+oil P.S. Most men can tolerate 1 tsp.
1 tsp. of Sea-Crop, stir.  https://www.sea-crop.com/
As separate servings and optional. Best taken on an empty stomach.
10+ drops Nascent Iodine, stir.  https://www.thyroidnascentiodine.com/ 
Caution: start out with 1 drop of Nascent Iodine! Please read the following articles before using this protocol https://www.thyroidnascentiodine.com/suggested_use.htm and https://drsircus.com/medicine/iodine/iodine-dosages
Glycop Ice-Cream  
5-10 heaping tsp. Hemp Nuts.  https://tiny.cc/glycop-hemp-nuts
1 heaping tsp. Glyconutrients.  https://tiny.cc/glycop-glyconutrients
1/2 cup Coconut Milk, or water. Puree for 30 seconds.
1 cup frozen fruit, or salad greens.
Add 1/2 cup (more, or less) Real Coconut Milk, or water. Puree 45-60 seconds at variable speeds.
Caution: The mixture may thicken and freeze quite rapidly, causing a load on your blender. Power-off and stir, add more fluid as necessary. Either solution may be applied topically. Why hemp nuts? See https://www.innvista.com/health/foods/hemp/
Glycop PanCakes  
Whip a couple of free range eggs
Add 5, or so heaping tsp. Hemp Protein https://tiny.cc/hemp-pro
Add a bit of water to thin if necessary, pour in ceramic pan, flip and enjoy.
Add some BlueBerries on top of the pancake before turning over.

    3. Most recently, "Curcumin has been shown to have protective and therapeutic effects against cancers of the blood, skin, oral cavity, lung, pancreas, and intestinal tract, and to suppress angiogenesis and metastasis in rodents." https://www.rroij.com/jpps/index.php/jpps/article/view/RRJPPS21 
500 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World's Most Important Herb. https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/can-turmeric-alleviate-500-causes-human-suffering
Groundbreaking new research published found that curcumin, the primary polyphenol in turmeric, is capable of repairing and even regenerating the liver tissues of diabetic rats. https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/turmeric-may-repair-and-regenerate-diabetic-liver-function

    4. I'll post this again and again... Dr. Courtney, "my youngest patient is 8 months old, and had a very massive centrally located inoperable brain tumor... within two months there was a dramatic reduction... the tumor was remarkably reduced after eight months of treatment." https://www.cureyourowncancer.org/dr-william-courtney-calls-child-a-miracle-baby.html.
A new paradigm in health is obtained by consuming the juice of young-raw cannabis as a food source. Leaf introduces Dr. William Courtney and Kristen Peskuski of Cannabis International; along with the people involved in researching, promoting, regulating and benefiting from raw cannabis.
It is unfortunate that it requires about 30 plants over the course of a year.


The Power of RAW Cannabis becomes obvious https://youtu.be/swojBQoCEhM
To learn more about juicing Raw-Cannabis please visit https://www.cannabisinternational.org/

    5. Rebounding and Lymphosizing.
A comprehensive view: https://youtu.be/5iT8AuKvNJA  
Lymphosizing Part 1 https://youtu.be/a1Gye4kiHXY

Lymphosizing Part 2 https://youtu.be/LAjGWCGxwU8

The above links were provided by https://www.ial.org/

Side note: After my father injured his foot during rebounding, I am suggesting that people consider Dr. Scholl's gel insoles if they decide to try rebounding. In my opinion, the best rebounder on the market is at httsp://www.jumpsport.com/Home-Fitness but cost’s about $200.

The human condition is very complex and everyone is an individual. So, to cut through the chase and get to the point. One of the most important things you can consider is this... eat like a Gorilla!

ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the main source of energy in cells, must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active. What is called ATP actually involves Mg-ATP. Details about Mg+ in plant and human physiology are available at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnesium_in_biology

Mag Oil is obtainable at https://www.swansonvitamins.com/q?kw=mag+oil and can be massaged directly into the skin of the entire body. It may also be nebulized as a solution of 10 parts (or more) of distilled H2O (water) and 1 part Mag Oil.
I'll explain in a simple manner. Magnesium is the 7th most abundant element on earth and one of the most neglected. When we consider that a mothers womb recreates the composition of the ocean during the first 13 weeks of gestation we can start to appreciate the healing power that people experience from Dead Sea Minerals. The same result can be expected from Mag Oil.

As we age and for other reasons, the abundance of Mg+ATP depletes and compromises the health of our cells and their ability to function properly. Topical Mag Oil can assist in overcoming Mag deficiency if we apply it two to three times a week. Internal use at 400 mg two to three times a day is also beneficial, but can cause loose stools. When this occurs, take a couple days off and then reduce the dosage upon resuming. If the Mag Oil stings, dilute it with water at a 1:1 ratio or more for sensitive areas of the skin surface, such as the face. Again, there not one single magic bullet we can rely on when it comes to our health.

A human can respond to minute changes of photons, electrons, vibrations, feelings and smells with calculated reactions faster than any other man-made creation on earth. For this reason I encourage you to learn more...   
  1. "Rebounding" (Lymphosizing) is so very important to health that it is placed on the top of this list.
  2. "Sunshine Vitamin" (or, vitamin D3) is second and when a person has topical Magnesium Chloride (oil), sunburn is minimal.
  3. "Earthing" (grounding) will do the most good if numbers 1 and 2 are given priority. In fact, thin blooded people need to be cautious.
  4. "Eat like a gorilla!" Drink and eat like a fish. More on that later...
  5. "Milk, Meat and Grain” products should be avoided. Switch to organic-organ meat if necessary. More on that later...
  6. "Diatomaceous Earth" should help many people, simple as that. And, it is cheap!
  7. "The Essentials and Glyconutrients" will then do the most good if you follow each Baby Step I have outlined.
  8. "Alkalizing" foods and certain minerals play an important role in human physiology, especially in the young or ill.
  9. "Magnesium Chloride" (oil) and Baking Soda are serious medicines that you can use at home, just don’t overdue them!.
10. "Coconut Oil" is simply the best all around oil for human health.
11. “Organic Jell-O” supplies needed glycine/gelatin, against a balanced background of amino acids, has a great variety of healthy actions.
Glycine/gelatin is recognized as an “inhibitory” neurotransmitter, and promotes natural sleep. Used as a supplement, it has helped to promote recovery from strokes and seizures, and to improve learning and memory. But in every type of cell, it apparently has the same kind of quieting, protective anti-stress action. The range of injuries produced by an excess of tryptophan and serotonin seems to be prevented or corrected by a generous supply of glycine. Fibrosis, free radical damage, inflammation, cell death from ATP depletion or calcium overload, mitochondrial damage, diabetes, etc., can be prevented or alleviated by glycine.

Again, we now have an arsenal at our fingertips if we understand exactly what is causing many of the health problems in our society. Meat, wheat, potatoes, corn, soy and milk are just a few, along with GMO's, chemicals, a monolithic diet, genetic and epigenetic influences.
The first foods mentioned in the Bible were the Herbs and Fruit Trees (Genesis 1:29), and that by punishment for sin God gave mankind bread (Genesis 3:17). The evolutionary collision of our ancient genome with the nutritional qualities of recently introduced foods may underlie many of the chronic diseases of Western civilization.
Michael West
GlyCop Co-op
Phone: (208) 477-17-fifty

*Food supplements are not evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.
LEGAL NOTICE: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The information you have received is for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America.
Registered ® Trademarks, Images and Videos featured on this website are © of their respective owners and manufacturers.
*Food supplements are not evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.