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GlyCop Co-op: Please visit our ongoing research at https://raindrop.io/glycop
The first foods mentioned in the Bible were the Herbs and Fruit Trees (Genesis 1:29), and that by punishment for sin God gave mankind bread (Genesis 3:17), see https://wellnessmama.com/2359/does-the-bible-say-we-should-eat-grains/. The evolutionary collision of our ancient genome with the nutritional qualities of these foods may underlie many of the chronic diseases of Western civilization, as well as those that have suffered disease for millennium.

Update: 8-8-2022 - I've added a few more grounding (earthing) products that look promising and inexpensive to my list at https://raindrop.io/glycop/grounding-18528195

Grounding Sheets with 10% Silver Fiber & Organic Cotton - Conductive with Grounding Cord, Grounding Keep Good Sleep, Natural Health (27x52 inch) https://www.amazon.com/Grounding-Organic-Cotton-Conductive-Natural/dp/B087YWWKF3/ref=sr_1_24?keywords=earthing+products&qid=1659976032&sr=8-24

Or, HALL & PERRY Grounding Half Sheet 35" x 90" with Connection Cord | Pure Silver Fiber for Better Sleep, Healthy Earthing Energy and EMF Recovery, Off White https://www.amazon.com/HALL-PERRY-Earthing-Grounding-Connection/dp/B07BB659XK/ref=sr_1_58?keywords=earthing+products&qid=1659976032&sr=8-58

I added this inexpensive grounding mat to the list https://www.amazon.com/Grounding-Hooga-Meditation-Protection-Inflammation/dp/B07VSRK68V?ref_=ast_slp_dp&th=1&psc=1 During the day, you can place it anywhere to touch bare skin. Watch the product videos.

P.S. Reducing inflammation by Earthing (grounding) is a must for everyone. You'll find it mentioned in my Hope article as number 3 on my list of things to treat and prevent disease.

Cancer, M.S., Huntington's, Parkinson's and many diseases may have a common denominator. Undoing the damage AFTER eliminating INFLAMATION, grain-fed meat, sugar, wheat, milk and refined starch may be paramount to your health. Learn more at https://tiny.cc/glycop-hope.

Please pardon my assertiveness with the impeccable credentials of those I often quote. They are the real heroes, for they have taught me well. ?

Sincerely yours,

Michael West

GlyCop Co-op ~ 208-477-17-fifty ~ https://GlyCop.com/

LEGAL NOTICE: Ehh, what's up doc?

Update: 8-24-2018 - Fasting and the Ketogenic Diet are a match made in heaven. A 5 day water fast resets the immune system back to a youthful state, literally. For example, old cells are broken down, recycled or expelled. New macrophages and white blood cells are recreated with stem cells that have the same genetic imprint of cells from our youth. Bookmark this link at https://glycop.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=38&Itemid=1137
Update: 4-9-2014 - the most effective healing accelerator for those with intestinal permeability is UltraImmune IgG. It contains 3 times more immunoglobulins (proteins that bind toxins and support immune function in the gut) than colostrum (see below). It contains 2 times more of the detoxifying amino acid, Cysteine, and 15 times more trans and lactoferrin protein than colostrum according to this article at https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/product/ultraimmune-igg/.

There is hope if people care enough to take the following protocols seriously. Please keep in mind that there are multiple ways to accomplish the same goal and we must all decide for ourselves what works best to enhance our quality of life.
Dr. Sircus protocol is well worth studying at https://drsircus.com/cancer/. As well, he addresses nebulizing many different compounds in this article at https://drsircus.com/medicine/magnesium/nebulizing-magnesium-and-other-medicinals.
We now have an arsenal at our fingertips if we understand exactly what is causing many of the health problems in our society. Meat, wheat, potatoes, corn, soy and milk are just a few, along with GMO's, chemicals, a monolithic diet, genetic and epigenetic influences. First, let's take a look at some of the causes in detail, below.

Wheat glycoproteins may result in direct damage to the majority of tissues in the human body due to the six distinct sets of chromosomes capable of producing well over 23,000 unique proteins. Some, only 5 atoms in size, attach themselves to mucus membranes throughout the entire body. By orally savoring compounds such as those found in glyconutrients, the damaging lectins are often replaced with monosaccharides (essential sugars https://www.innvista.com/health/nutrition/essential-sugars/) such as Fucoidan, Glucosamine, etc. An explanation follows.
Everyone is different and may not tolerate certain protocols as well as others. An attending physician will need to determine what is best for an individual. The guidelines presented below are not intended as medical advice.

UPDATE: The definitive guide to treating cancer - https://drsircus.com/cancer/
Seriously, I doubt that one compound is able to prevent or cure Cancer, Type 2 Diabetes, treat depression, or repair the liver without addressing the many other factors that affect health! Hence, this article... https://tiny.cc/glycop-hope
Raw-Cannabis and Hash Oil (Rick Simpson’s Oil) may be an exception, but one still has to address the cause of cancer by examining exposure, lifestyle and nutrition. Identifying the cause and changing behavior is the cure in most cases of cancer.
Godspeed and love to you,
Update: 9-1-2013
Salvestrols, the Next Paradigm in Cancer Prevention and Treatment.- https://jeffreydachmd.com/2013/06/salvestrols-for-cancer-survivors-jeffrey-dach/
Salvestrols are newly discovered compounds that may provide the link between diet and cancer prevention - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvestrol
What is the unique mechanism in Salvestrols that is helpful in cancer and how does it differ from other compounds? These questions are best addressed in the following articles and videos. I do not present them lightly and it is well worth an effort to learn as much as possible. Here is a simple scientific explanation, "Cancer is a fungus and the natural protection in fruits and vegetables against fungal attack is called Salvestrol." https://youtu.be/jZYJ5sDVf9Q
Salvestrol would be a useful addition to other treatments and protocols, if not a primary compound to consider. Salvestrols are isolated from organically grown fruit. The content of each capsule is listed on the product labels (scroll down to view the appropriate product). In general, Salvestrols are extracted in high concentrations from tangerine or orange peel and blueberries and mixed with concentrated blackberry and strawberry powder. Please share this information with your doctor at https://www.salvestrol.ca/questionsandanswers.asp
It is my hope that your body is not overly contaminated with residual fungicides as they may reduce the effectiveness of Salvestrol. If you suspect this, please discuss your history with your doctor, i.e. farm-worker, pesticide-exposure, etc.
On to the reasoning for considering Salvestrol and the science behind it... I will present the most important data first, you must decide for yourself if watching and reading the rest is worthwhile to you.
1. Complete remission of lung tumor through Issels - https://youtu.be/mivlROS0cy4 (Nearly all cancers have a common cause).
2. Salvestrols, the Next Paradigm in Cancer Prevention and Treatment - https://jeffreydachmd.com/2013/06/salvestrols-for-cancer-survivors-jeffrey-dach/
3. Salvestrols, Dan Burke Talk at The Shen Clinic Part 7 - https://youtu.be/EhDwjs_PhQA ( Best video is last, search for Part 1 after watching Part 7)
4. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&q=Salvestrol (Note: PubMed did not list any results.Salvestrols are natural supplements of no interest to the pharmaceutical industry, and therefore, no funding for expensive controlled trials.)
Update: 8-30-2013
Is it time to pull a couple more rabbits out of the hat?
This article may be of interest as well, "Defeat Autism Now!" at https://www.phoschol.com/conferences/dan2007/
The first product I would try is https://shop.nutrasal.com/Cerebra_GPC_p/cerebra_2oz.htm because it is able to cross the blood-brain barrier much more effectively than PhosChol, below. Cerebra GPC is recommended in addition to PhosCal due to the different modes of action.
The other products listed below may be less palatable. Adjust dosing for children according to weight under a doctors supervision...
2. To improve many bodily functions, too numerous to mention, get some PhosChol PPC 3000mg 8oz at https://www.vitaliving.com/PhosChol_PPC_3000mg_8oz-by-Nutrasal, or the pills https://search.vitaliving.com/search?SearchTerms=PhosChol
Hemp nuts/protein and glyconutrients will assist the health benefits realized by these compounds listed above. In fact, the "Essentials" and "Glyconutrients" provide similar building blocks, just not in the ratios and configuration that would be medicinal unless taken in excess. Anyway, who would want to eat Glycop Ice-Cream 3 times a day? The recipe is below...
Update: 8-2-2013
GlyCop (Sweet-Policeman and/or short for GlyCoProtein) recently uncoverd a controversial video produced by Markus Rothkranz and James Sloane entitled, "The Alkaline Myth."
This (erroneous) video https://youtu.be/7O6GhVCvVgE and newsletter (attempts) to explain why not to use baking soda or alkaline water as a healing method. I posed the question to Dr. Sircus and published his response, below. 
Dr. Sircus replies.. Sodium Bicarbonate Bashing Continues Unabated: This video, by so called medical and health experts, does a great disservice to humanity though sodium bicarbonate bashing is nothing new. Max Gerson’s daughter has done it and so do mainstream cancer organizations because to them it’s an abomination to think that something so simple, safe and inexpensive could possibly treat cancer.
The medical expert James Sloan said we need C02/carbonic acid to maintain the blood vessels in an open state. That's correct and that is maintained by SLOW breathing not just any kind of breathing. The slower you breathe the more CO2 is retained so more O2 gets to the cells because, for one reason, the blood vessels are open. That is exactly what happens when you take sodium bicarbonate. It increases CO2/carbonates in the blood.
What this video misses completely is when you take sodium bicarbonate orally it turns to CO2 in the stomach which actually stimulates stomach acid secretion and this process drives the bicarbonates into the blood.
Yes many people are deficient in stomach acid but the video forgets to mention bicarbonate deficiencies, which increase as we age and the more we live in polluted urban centers. Bicarbonate deficiencies are addressed with sodium bicarbonate as well as potassium bicarbonate, calcium bicarbonate and now magnesium bicarbonate.
Telling people that drinking alkaline water or sodium bicarbonate wipes out your stomach acid is misleading because the only time that happens is when you take bicarbonate with meals, which you are not supposed to do. Bicarbonate increases stomach acid production because the stomach reacts to the increased presence of bicarbonate/carbon dioxide.
No one in their right mind, medically speaking, speaks out about sodium bicarbonate in a negative sense because there is easily a hundred years of clinical experience about its usefulness. Sodium bicarbonate medicine affords humanity with an inexpensive way to treat themselves of many problems including the flu. This video does humanity a great disservice.
Yes high alkaline water is worthless if, and only if, it does not have much alkalinity! What gives alkaline water its alkalinity? Magnesium and bicarbonate!! Water from ionizers without minerals in the water is just an expensive way to get some extra electrons but this is no reason to put down a helpful form of medicine.
Even though there are good points in the video, the misinformation could be devastating to certain individuals that are seeking optimum health.
Here is another article apparently written by James Sloane https://medreview.wordpress.com/tag/cancer/
Contact me if you want a complete copy of the Markus Rothkrantz (erroneous) newsletter entitled, "The Alkaline Myth."
Update: 7-20-2013
Most recently, "Curcumin has been shown to have protective and therapeutic effects against cancers of the blood, skin, oral cavity, lung, pancreas, and intestinal tract, and to suppress angiogenesis and metastasis in rodents." https://www.rroij.com/jpps/index.php/jpps/article/view/RRJPPS21
Update: 7-15-2013
Starving Cancer: RESTRICTED Ketogenic Diet a Key to Recovery? https://cbn.com/tv/2033454384001 Unfortunately, they fail to mention that caloric RESTRICTION is a major key using this diet...
PLEASE NOTE: Dr. Gonzalez dismantles the ketogenic diet for cancer https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/dr-gonzalez-dismantles-ketogenic-diet-for-cancer/
Obviously, more research is needed in multiple disciplines before attempting a Ketogenic Diet for BRAIN Cancer, or any other cancer... Ketogenic fibroblasts increase the mitochondrial mass and growth of adjacent breast cancer cells. However, most importantly, ketogenic fibroblasts also effectively promote tumor growth, without a significant increase in tumor angiogenesis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23082722
The rest of the story: Could a ketogenic diet be a “standard of care” drug-free treatment for cancer? WATCH every minute, take notes if you have concerns about cancer... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-_UY-WnH1k
WATCH, LEARN and LISTEN. A ketogenic diet calls for eliminating all but non-starchy vegetable carbohydrates, and replacing them with healthy fats and high-quality protein.
The blessings realized are in the details, details details. Most people will not be able to setup the 3 day fast, or the intermittent fasting that is required unless they have help and support. Nor will they understand that Hemp Protein and Hemp Nuts are easily incorporated into this - calorically restricted - 6 meal a day regime.
Dr. Thomas Seyfried is one of the leading pioneer academic researchers in promoting how to treat cancer nutritionally. He’s been teaching neurogenetics and neurochemistry as it relates to cancer treatment at Yale University and Boston College for the past 25 years.
“According to Dr. Seyfried, the mechanism by which the ketogenic diet manages seizures is not nearly as clear as the way the ketogenic diet manages cancer.“
Nontoxic Therapy Combination May Slow Cancer’s Spread: metabolic therapy manages chronic diseases such as epilepsy, neurodegenerative lipid storage diseases, and cancer. The metabolic therapies include caloric restriction, fasting, and ketogenic diets... https://www.bc.edu/content/bc/schools/cas/biology/facadmin/seyfried.html
End of update.
Once again, everyone is different and may not tolerate certain protocols as well as others. An attending physician will need to determine what is best for an individual. The guidelines presented are not intended as medical advice.

Again, we now have an arsenal at our fingertips if we understand exactly what is causing many of the health problems in our society. Meat, wheat, potatoes, corn, soy and milk are just a few, along with GMO's, chemicals, a monolithic diet, genetic and epigenetic influences.

The first foods mentioned in the Bible were the Herbs and Fruit Trees (Genesis 1:29), and that by punishment for sin God gave mankind bread (Genesis 3:17). The evolutionary collision of our ancient genome with the nutritional qualities of recently introduced foods may underlie many of the chronic diseases of Western civilization.
Seriously, I doubt that one compound is able to prevent or cure Cancer, Diabetes, treat depression, or repair the liver without addressing the many other factors that affect health! Hence, this article... https://tiny.cc/glycop-hope
Raw-Cannabis-Juice and Hash Oil (Rick Simpson’s Oil) may be an exception, but one still has to address the cause of cancer by examining exposure, lifestyle and nutrition. Identifying the cause and changing behavior is the cure in most cases of cancer.
Everyone is different and may not tolerate certain protocols as well as others. An attending physician will need to determine what is best for an individual. The guidelines presented are not intended as medical advice.
Godspeed and love to you,
Michael West
GlyCop Co-op
Phone: (208) 477-17-fifty
LEGAL NOTICE: The Author specifically invokes the First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and of the press without prejudice. The text you have received is for informational purposes only under the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution for the United States of America.
Registered ® Trademarks, Images and Videos featured on this website are © of their respective owners and manufacturers.
*Food supplements are not evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate disease.